Stepping Stones to Bigger Faith for Little People
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Just wonderful devotions for young children!
37 devotions based on Scripture; written at a 2nd grade reading level, but designed to tug at the heartstrings of all ages!
Twaddle-free truths we need to apply. This will draw your family together! Sit down at bedtime, or gather on the couch after breakfast. Sit on a blanket outside, but snuggle those little ones and read these devotions! This will draw your family together! Also available: Two CDs or MP3s in which Joyce narrates the book and children sing 37 delightful scripture songs!
Timeless gospel truths that are written deeply, but still with the simple language very young children can grasp. Do one a week, and lay foundations deeply within your child's heart!
Also available! 37 wonderful recordings of original devotional songs sung by children and set to gentle music. That's one song per devotional in the book. Available as 2 CDs or as MP3 downloads.